While the idea of giving a very active baby an outlet for his energy may be appealing, the suspension nature of a doorway
jumper can invite trouble. Most doorway jumpers accommodate babies up to 25 pounds, starting from when they can hold
their head up unassisted. Bungee-style cords or springs suspend the seat from a nonslip clamp so pre-walking babies can
jiggle themselves up and down when they push off the floor. Annually, though, jumpers are associated with an estimated
800 injuries to children in the U.S. under age 5, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. But even one
is too many. No amount of supervision can keep an infant from crashing to the floor, and that may happen no matter how
many times your baby has used the jumper successfully in the past. All told, you’re better off skipping this purchase.
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